What is Zakat?
Zakat is the charity given by the wealthy to the poor. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is not only a means of purification of one’s wealth, but also a source of growth and blessing in it. Dispensing zakat on a yearly basis is mandatory for all eligible Muslims. And by doing so, Muslims are reminded to be appreciative of the blessings that Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) has bestowed upon them, and to help those who have less. Read More
COVID- 19 (Corona Virus)
Social distancing, for people who survive on daily wages, means starvation. Millions in Bangladesh have lost their livelihood. SABA will support 700 families, but the need is far greater. Please come forward. We take the responsibility of delivering your support to the people who need it most on the ground. It’s time to make empathy go viral.
Distribution of Sewing Machine
We in collaboration with SABA Foundation have set up sewing machine distribution program for women in need in Bangladesh. SABA Foundation provides them with sewing machines and the skills needed to get a small business started in their household. We are running three sewing machine training centres at Rajshahi and Dinajpur, Bangladesh. We believe this dual pronged approach, providing free sewing machines as well as three months of training will empower them to create a stream of income for themselves and their families.
World day against child labour and the situation of Bangladesh
The children are as like as flower. Every child coms to the world to grow beautifully as like as flower. But many children are being victim of uneven distribution of wealth and social inequality. The soft hand of the child became the tool of the work. June 12 as World day against child labour. As a third world country, child labor in Bangladesh still remains very inhuman. Though this day is observed in Bangladesh like the whole world but this country does not see the initiative to stop child labor.
Make A Donation
Giving a donation to SABA can help us to reach more children transform their lives for the better. Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.
Tube Well & Sanitation
SABA primary objective is to have a healthy and wealthy society in Bangladesh. Hundreds of families suffer from diarrhea and cholera by not having .
Provides Each Child with Lunch
What pops up on your mind when you say ‘lunch’? In our case, it is a lunch provided for children at village schools in Bangladesh. During the monitoring trip, we re-verified the importance of providing children from the poorest families with a lunch. Little schoolchildren often go to school without having a breakfast, and school lunch is their first (and sometimes the only) meal. During June, we will contact all donors who support children in village schools with a request to increase their payments by 50 CZK per month. Thank you for your support and trust. We are honoured to be able to help together!